The past week I got some great books.
For review:
Lauren Conrad: Sweet Little Lies
Lauren Conrad: Sugar and Spice
I also bought a lot of books this week:
Michael Grant: Gone 3 - Lies ( I bought the Norwegian translation)
Alyson Noel: Dark Flame ( The Immortals 4)
J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber if Secrets
J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Lauren Kate: Torment
Jane Eagland: Wildthorn
I must be one of the few persons on this planet, who have not read anything by J.K. Rowling yet. So, I decided to do something about it. I also needed to have book 3 in the Gone - series. I recently read the first book in the series, and loved it.
The Immortal - series by Alyson Noel is one of my favorites, but since I am buying the books from the UK I have not read "Dark Flame" yet.
"Torment" was a great read. I reviewed the book on my blog based on a manuscript I received from the publisher, but I wanted to have my own copy of the book as well. "Wildthorn" is a book I have heard great things about, so I wanted to buy it. And the cover is gorgeous.
Now, I only need to find more reading time. I wish I could spend a whole week just reading books. That would be like heaven.
What did you get in your mailbox?
PS: I also reached 300 followers the past week. That is amazing. I need to celebrate that the next week. More information will be posted soon.
you will love harry potter. I have them in both English and German - awesome
Oh Harry Potter! You will love it! I actually am rereading the first book right now for my Children's Lit class.. its so wonderful.
I am glad you liked Torment too, I have to go pick it up from the library today - its on my hold-shelf.
I'm one of the few people who haven't finished the Harry Potter series too... I still have two books to go. I do love them though, and I'm sure you will too!
They all seem like or all are great books! I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter series :D
Here's my In My Mailbox post! :D
Harry Potter is the best fantasy I have read ! I am sure you will love it. I am a new follower here.
In My Mailbox
Congrats on 300 followers!
Dark Flame is good - I just read it. Also, I haven't read LC's books yet, but they're on my TBR. Enjoy!
My IMM is up on my blog. :)
I'm kind of jealous that you've Harry Potter still in front of you ;D
Have fun reading!
Greetings from Austria,
Didn't know she wrote. I hope that you enjoy them :)
Here's an invite to Aisle B
I love Lauren Conrad's Books and I have Wildthorn on my TBR Pile :)
IM a new follower
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